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I'm a seasoned Pipeline Technical Director with over two decades of experience in the computer animation and visual effects industries. Primarily supporting lookdev, lighting, rendering and compositing but also experienced with pipeline architecture, shader writing, plugin development, project/people management and devops. My journey has been driven by a passion for helping people bring digital content to life, by bridging the gap between art and technology. My mission is to empower creators and studios in transforming their visionary ideas into digital masterpieces. Whether you are starting a new project or seeking to optimize your current workflows, I offer tailored solutions to meet your unique creative needs.

For Developers & Founders: do you have new tools and software that you need beta tested and would like some feedback? Look no further.

For Producers and Filmmakers: are you looking for motion capture actor to bring life to your productions? I'm your man.

For Studios & Teams: I provide consulting, auditing & reporting of your existing pipelines and workflows as well as development services to enhance your content creation pipeline, ensuring efficiency, scalability, and top-notch quality in your productions.

For Individual Creators: Leveraging my extensive knowledge in digital content creation, I will help guide you through the technical nuances of digital content creation and help you bring your artistic visions to life.

What sets me apart is my ability to bridge the gap between the artistic vision and technical execution. My approach involves a deep understanding of both the artistic intent and the technological possibilities, ensuring that every project I undertake is both creatively fulfilling and technically sound. If you're looking to elevate your digital content creation, I'm here to help. Let's connect and bring your creative vision to life with the perfect blend of art and technology.

Please see my Filmography page for a selected list of projects I've worked on throughout my career, and please visit my Metahumans page where you can see some of my recent personal work that has been focused on the goal of creating photorealistic digital human animation.